Thursday, February 19, 2009


Purport: 我很高兴的在此介绍本公司最新的夏季系列产品目录。毫无疑问,您将发现那是我们所做出的最高级,最别出心裁的产品,而且我相信您会被它们那深具竞争力的价格所感动。我们将从四月一日起,开始接受各种商品的预购订单,届时期待早日收到您的回音。

Subject: New Summer Collection
Dear Customer,
I am pleased to introduce our new catalogue for the Summer collection, As you will see, it is without doubt the highest quality and most unique collection that we have ever created and I am sure that you will be impressed by the competitive pricing of the range. We will be taking preliminary orders for the range beginning April 1, and I look forward to hearing from you soon thereafter.
Fashion Co. Ltd

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